For God’s Glory and Our Mission

For the 46th time in American history, power has been passed from one president to another.  In America, the peaceful transfer of power is both routine and extraordinary.  Routine in that we are accustomed to watching a new president take the oath of office and assuming the responsibilities of the American executive.  Extraordinary because the transition with which we are so familiar is, without question, unique in the history of the world.  Our forefathers who established this constitutional republic were men of wisdom and conviction, and their legacy is especially undeniable on days such as this.  Americans are truly blessed, and on this inauguration day every believer should pause to express gratitude to God for his kindness and mercy to our nation. 

There is no such thing as an inconsequential presidency.  Therefore, every disciple of Jesus must commit to faithfully follow the biblical command to pray for our leaders.

Today, America has a new president.  Joseph R. Biden now bears the unspeakable burden of leading the United States.  Each day, President Biden will make numerous decisions that will touch the lives of millions of Americans.  Additionally, many of President Biden’s policies will undoubtedly affect our nation for years to come.  There is no such thing as an inconsequential presidency.  Therefore, every disciple of Jesus must commit to faithfully follow the biblical command to pray for our leaders.  Paul, who ministered while Nero was in power, wrote,

1 Timothy 2:1–4 

1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The biblical directive is not that we pray only for the leaders who represent our political opinions and preferences.  We are commanded to pray for our leaders—all of our leaders—so that “we may lead a peaceful and quiet life.”  Paul said “this is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.”  Do not miss the fact that Paul tied this command to the highest aim of every belier which is to honor God and to live in such a way that people might be saved through our witness. In light of Scripture, I will faithfully pray for President Biden, his family, and all who serve in his administration.

  • I will thank God for His sovereign choice and continually recognize that God alone seats national leaders. (Dan. 2:21)
  • I will pray for protection for President Biden and his family.
  • I will pray for President Biden to lead with wisdom, considering the needs and hopes of every American. 
  • I will pray for President Biden to be humble before God. (Dan. 4:34-37)
  • I will pray that President Biden will not succeed in passing laws that oppose God’s moral will and created order.  
  • I will pray for President Biden to repent for any opinion, position and policy that opposes God’s moral will and created order.
  • I will pray for President Biden to be an instrument for good and to tirelessly work for justice for every American. (Rom. 13:3-4)
  • I will pray for President Biden to protect religious liberty so the gospel can continue to be freely shared in our nation.  
  • I will pray for President Biden to succeed in everything he does that is righteous and pleasing to the Lord. 

Not only will I pray for our new president, but I will also pray for myself.

  • I will pray for God to continually remind me that my hope is not in any politician or political party.  Instead, my hope resides fully in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  
  • I will pray that I will never overlook the fact that I am, first and foremost, a child of God and a citizen of His Kingdom.  
  • I will pray that I will faithfully love and serve all—regardless of political preferences and positions.
  • I will pray that I will boldly stand on the unchanging truth of God’s word.
  • I will pray that I will not compromise any conviction that is rooted in Scripture, regardless of the cost.   

Today is a historic day for the United States of America—it is certainly a special day for President Biden, his family, and for the millions of people who support him.  Today is also a time for every believer to commit to pray for our new president, for our nation, and for ourselves. Pray with me that God will be glorified and that many will hear the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus, alone. 

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